Fortenberry’s Custom Slaughter Plant of Henleyfield, MS was founded by Ben and Mary Fortenberry in 1957.
Ben, the butcher, was raised in a slaughterhouse and learned his trade from his father and older brother. The first plant
that was built was right next to the family’s farmhouse on Quitman Perry Road. Ben would pickup the animals to be
slaughtered with his pickup truck while Mary was wrapping and labeling all the meat cuts by hand. This plant burned
down in 1965, and new plant was built off of Highway 43 North.

Ben and Mary were blessed with four children. Ricky, James, Laurie, and Lydia were all raised in and around the 

slaughterhouse. Ricky, the oldest, was hauling cattle and learning how to butcher at twelve years old, while James was
learning how to slaughter and make sausage. Ben and Mary ran the business side by side for 21 years until Ben passed
away suddenly and it was left for Mary and the children to run.

Over the years new machines and technology came into practice at the plant and the family decided to add a small
grocery store onto the front of the building on Highway 43. They began by offering fresh meat cuts, country smoked
sausage, and frozen vegetables. All the while, the wild game processing was booming with the influx of hunters in the
area. In the mid nineties, Ricky began smoking a wide variety of meats on a homemade grill, and began selling barbecue
on Saturdays. The business was then forming into the company that it is today.

Mary continued to work alongside both of her sons until she retired in 1991. Ricky and his family run the business
today. His daughters and a strong staff help the business thrive, by ensuring that only quality products and services are
offered. So if you are ever passing through our parts, please stop by for some good food and friendly smiles.
The Fortenberry Family

Copyright © 2011-17 All Rights Reserved
All Prices Subject To Change Without Notification
601 - 798 - 2156 Hours of Operation: 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon - Sat
NO MEAT RECEIVED ON SATURDAY or AFTER 4:00 WEEKDAYS Pickup During Normal Business Hours